Owensboro Traders Net and RoundtableThe purpose of the traders net is to assist in the buying, selling, and trading of amateur radio-related items and the roundtable portion is a casual gathering for general fellowship. This net and roundtable will be held each Saturday at 8:05 p.m. on the 147.21 repeater, analog mode, with a tone of 146.2. All amateurs are invited to participate in the net and roundtable.
First, we will have the trader’s net. Any amateur radio-related items can be listed for buy, sale, trade, or give away. No computer equipment please and negotiations should occur off the air.
Net control will NOT be making notes of the items listed, so please make note of the contact information for any item you are interested in.
For each listing, please include the item brand, model, condition, price, call sign, name, and contact information.
The purpose of the roundtable is casual fellowship. Net Control list each station in the order they check in and that will be the order for making comments. Traders Net participants need to check in again if they want to join the roundtable. Roundtable comments can be about your day or whatever is on your mind, keeping it family-friendly.