Owensboro Amateur Radio Club meeting for April is next week!!!
We will be meeting on Tuesday 4/16 at the Owensboro Technical and Community College (OTCC) Downtown Campus at 1501 Frederica Street in rooms 18A & B. The club meeting will start at the normal time, 7 PM, with the ARES meeting at 6:30 PM. Best parking is in the back of the OTCC building, accessible from West 15th Street or Daviess Street (across from Steinkamp lumber yard).
All are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!
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Every Thursday –
ARES & Club Nets
9:00pm – 145.330 (Duplex) 103.5 Tone
9:30pm – 146.550 (Simplex)FM SSTV and Digital NET
9:40pm – 145.330 (Temporary Paused)LOCAL FREQUENCIES
Local 2 Meter Freqs. & Nets
145.330, -, 103.5 Tone
146.550, Simplex, No Tone
147.210, +, 146.2 ToneGET LICENSED
Solar Propagation