Field Day 2022

Field day 2022 will be at Panther Creek Park Owensboro 5160 Wayne Bridge Rd. Owensboro, KY 42301

Set up will start at 1:00PM Friday, June 24,2022

Operations will begin at 1:00PM Saturday, June 25,2022 and run until 1:00PM Sunday, June 26 at 1:00PM

Take down will start at 1:00PM Sunday, June 26.

The cookout will be at 5:30PM at the pavilion.

Please remember to bring your covered dish along with your drinks. Let me know what you plan to bring.  I’ll try to get a list sent out so we don’t have duplicates. You can text Alissa Troutman Club Secretary at 270-315-7330 the number of guests you will have along as what dish you will be bringing.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, plates, silverware and napkins will be provided by the club.

We really need a head count of how many people plan to attend so that we have food for everyone.  Please remember that you and your family are invited. You do not need to be a club member to attend Field Day.

We are in need of operators and loggers for all stations. Please text Jim Thompson at 270-314-2003 to let him know you are interested in operating a station or stations. You do not need to be a licensed operator to log. This is a 24 hour event so we do need all night operators as well. These are sheltered areas we are operating from. 

Field Day will be discussed at the June 21st OARC Club Meeting located at the Red Cross Building 1700 Frederica St. Owensboro. Meeting starts at 7pm.

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December Club Meeting Photos

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2022 OARC Election Results

The 2022 OARC election is complete due to the hard work of the election committee. Many thanks to Mark Kenady KM4CC, Tom Johnson KO4PVE, and David Addington KY4V for the many hours spent on a great job.

The 2022 OARC election results are:

Directors at large –  David Patton W4WKU and Gary Duncan AA4OS

President – Jim Thompson WB0NEX

Vice President – Tom Johnson KO4PVE

Secretary – Alissa Troutman KN4MBE

Treasurer – David Addington KY4V

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November Club Meeting

Date: Tuesday November 16, 2021
Time: ARES at 6:30PM  OARC 7:00PM
Location: Owensboro Red Cross Building 1700 Frederica Street , Suite 105

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November VE Testing Session

There will be a VE testing session

Date: Saturday November 13, 2021
Time: 9:00AM
Location: Owensboro Red Cross Building 1700 Frederica Street , Suite 105

You will need to bring:

  1. One legal photo ID:
    1. State Driver’s License or Real ID
    2. Government Issued Passport
    3. Military or Law Enforcement Officer Photo ID card
    4. Student School Photo ID card
    5. State Photo ID card or Real ID
  2. FCC registration number (FRN). If you do not have one, or need to get one please visit:
  3. If you are upgrading your license, you will need to bring a copy of your license. You can obtain a copy at
  4. $15 fee
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Owensboro Trader and Roundtable Net

Owensboro Traders Net and RoundtableThe purpose of the traders net is to assist in the buying, selling, and trading of amateur radio-related items and the roundtable portion is a casual gathering for general fellowship. This net and roundtable will be held each Saturday at 8:05 p.m. on the 147.21 repeater, analog mode, with a tone of 146.2. All amateurs are invited to participate in the net and roundtable.

First, we will have the trader’s net. Any amateur radio-related items can be listed for buy, sale, trade, or give away. No computer equipment please and negotiations should occur off the air.

Net control will NOT be making notes of the items listed, so please make note of the contact information for any item you are interested in.

For each listing, please include the item brand, model, condition, price, call sign, name, and contact information.

The purpose of the roundtable is casual fellowship. Net Control list each station in the order they check in and that will be the order for making comments. Traders Net participants need to check in again if they want to join the roundtable. Roundtable comments can be about your day or whatever is on your mind, keeping it family-friendly.

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September Club Picnic Photos

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August Club Meeting

This month the club meeting will be a Ham Swap meet in the parking lot of the Red Cross building. Bring ham related items you are interested in selling or trading. Everyone is welcome.

Date: Tuesday August 17, 2021
Time: ARES at 6:30PM  OARC 7:00PM
Location: Owensboro Red Cross Building 1700 Frederica Street , Suite 105

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